
徐跃凡,茹亚东,左婷婷,伍 岳,王鹏飞,刘俊标,高召顺*,韩 立,肖立业


徐跃凡,茹亚东,左婷婷,伍 岳,王鹏飞,刘俊标,高召顺*,韩 立,肖立业    

(1. 中国科学院电工研究所,北京100190;2. 中国科学院大学,北京100049)

摘  要 六硼化镧(LaB6)阴极作为一种优异的热发射电子源,应用领域广泛,是高端电子束仪器及设备的关键元器件。本文系统介绍了LaB6材料的制备和加工方法、阴极常见的装卡方式,总结了其在各领域应用现状,并对其发展前景进行了展望。

关键词 LaB6;单晶;阴极器件;电子束设备

中图分类号:O462;O614.331;O786  文献标识码:A       doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6281.2024.02.015


Preparation, application and prospect of LaB6 cathodes

XU Yuefan12,  RU Yadong1,  ZUO Tingting1,  WU Yue1,  WANG Pengfei1  LIU Junbiao1

GAO Zhaoshun1*,  HAN Li1  XIAO Liye1

(1. Institute of Elctrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)

Abstract  As a fantastic thermal emission electron source,lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) cathode has a wide range of applications and is a key component in advanced electron beam instruments and equipments. This paper systematically reviews the preparation and processing methods of LaB6 materials, the common mounting methods, its present application and prospect.

Keywords   LaB6; single crystal; cathode; electron beam equipment

